Southwest Chopped Salad

Here's what you need:
Salad greens of your choice (I used arugula and baby spinach)
Cherry tomatoes
English cucumber
Feta Cheese
1 can Bush's Beans Black Beans (drained and rinsed)
1 can Sweet Corn (drained)
1 16oz. container of fajita seasoned chicken (I got mine at Walmart)
For the dressing:
1/2 cup +/- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 heaping TBSP taco seasoning of your choice
1 TBSP honey
Juice and zest of 2 lemons
Add your chicken to a skillet and turn on low while you put the salad together. You don't need to cook it, just warm it slightly.
Layer the salad ingredients in a large bowl (except for the avocado). When you have them all layered (I like at least three layers), you can add sliced avocado to the top.
To make the dressing, you will zest two lemons and then juice them in your salad shaker bottle (or a pint size mason jar works great too!). Add your olive oil and your honey and then your taco seasoning. Close the bottle/jar and give it a good shake until the ingredients are all incorporated well, and the honey is dissolved.
Add chicken (you could also use steak strips as well) at the last minute when you plate it, add the sliced avocado and dressing. Enjoy!