Fresh Steamed Artichoke

side dish vegetables Jul 22, 2024
Here’s what you need:
  • 1 fresh Artichoke
  • Water
  • Salt
  • 3-4 Tbsp. butter, melted
  • 1 tsp. minced garlic (optional)
Use a steaming basket inside your saucepan. Fill the pan with water to just about an inch or so below the basket. Salt your water generously and bring to a low simmering boil. 
As the water is heating, prepare the artichoke. Using a sharp, serrated knife, cut off about 1 inch from the top of the artichoke. Now remove the first layers of leaves from the bottom of the artichoke. 
Using kitchen shears, cut straight across the top of each remaining leave to remove the "prickly" part. Now, using your sharp, serrated knife cut off the stem right at the base of the artichoke. 
Once the water is hot, place your artichoke in the steaming basket, stem side up, and cover your pan. Allow to steam for about 30 minutes or until a sharp knife inserts easily into the center of the stem. Mine took right at 30 minutes. 
While the artichoke is steaming, melt your butter and add the garlic (if using). Carefully remove the artichoke from the pan and place stem side down on a plate. 
The leaves will easily fall back and you can remove them one at a time. Dip the base of the leaf in the melted butter and enjoy! 
Once you've removed all of the leaves, you can then trim off the outer edge of the heart and also using a knife, remove the fibrous pieces from the center. It will form a little disc with a dip in the middle. You can then cut it up and dip in the melted butter as well.